Saturday, February 19, 2011

Out and About Around Cuernavaca Part II

A little over a week ago the kids and I were given the opportunity to participate in an excursion to Xochicalco. This excursion was on Wednesday of my first week of classes, but I felt it my motherly duty to put the children's education ahead of my own. So I skipped class and went.
Xochicalco was founded by a group of Mayans around 650 A.D. The name Xochicalco is translated "in the house of flowers". We had a great tour guide who told us all about the people who lived here. It was very interesting and definitely a memorable school day for the kids.

We caught a glimpse of several of these guys as we were heading up to tour the ruins. We've been told they are very tasty, but have had the chance to try them yet.

They rainwater collected in these pools and was their water supply. There were several of these throughout the area.

There was quite a bit of this artwork on the outside of the temple. Each picture told a story of men who had come there.
This was a type of sauna used to prepare the player for a special game they played.

This is the ballfield. The hoop that is on the ground was actually on the side. Each player had to try to get a 7lbs. ball into the hoop using only his elbow and his hip. The player to ring the hoop first was declared the winner. His prize was having the honor of being sacrificed to the Gods. I don't know about you, but I believe that is one game I wouldn't mind loosing.

On our way back to Cuernavaca, we stopped by Hacienda Vista Hermosa for a bit. It was built in the 1520's by Hernando Cortez. Today it has been restored and is a 5 star hotel. We didn't see everything, but we saw enough to know it is quite amazing.
This is down under part of the house. It was used as an escape route, but there were also cells along the way were prisoners were kept.

This was the amazing pool. After seeing this, Phillip decided this is where he would like to come for his birthday. The structure across the pool is part of the aqueduct system that was used to bring in water.
After touring the grounds a bit, we got to hang out by the pool. Even though I am not much of a guacamole fan, we were told they made some of the best. So we felt obligated to try it. It was pretty good, but the chips were really good.

This was a pretty amazing day! We missed having Vance with us, but are very thankful that we got to go. We hope to take he and Elizabeth back when she comes

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