Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The First Game

The persistent and somewhat fanatical man that I married discovered a way to be able to watch the Georgia games on the computer.  So, since we were a bit excited, we decided to share the excitement of the first game with some of our friends. 
 The Crowd
 and the spread.
 Vance and Marinajo, our neighbor, preparing to dig in to the goodies.  Notice that she even dressed in the appropriate colors for us.  Actually we told them they couldn't have any food if they didn't wear red and black.  Just kidding!
 Everyone getting into the game and the food.
Beautiful Mariah showing her Georgia spirit.

Although we didn't enjoy the outcome of the game, we did enjoy teaching everyone the Bulldog bark! 

1 comment:

  1. I like how everyone's looking at the camera except Vance who can't take his eyes off the game.
