Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meet Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve are 11 month old twins that are at the hospital for giardia, severe malnutrition and developmental delays.  They came to the hospital last week weighing about 8 lbs. each. 
 The girls and I are going to have the opportunity over the next month to spend time "playing" with these beautiful babies.  Their mom is with them at the hospital, but they need as much stimulation as we can give them.  They are not yet rolling over, sitting , standing, crawling, or doing most of the things that babies of their age do.  At this point, their muscle are not strong enough to do these things.
We are blessed to have a physical therapist visiting this week who has been able to show us how to better "play" with the babies to help develop and strengthen their muscles and skills.  We look forward to watching them grow. I am sure there will be more pictures to come.
Please pray that these precious ones will grow and develop.  


  1. Wow. This is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. We will be praying for Adam and Eve.

  2. You make me want to be a missionary! ;o) love you guys, praying for you too! Missy

  3. Would like to be there in person to hold these beautiful babies. Thank you for being available to be used by Him!!!!! We love you and thanks for sharing some of the opportunities He gives you with us.
